This is `canary` version of documentation. It's still under construction and review.
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Route matchers

path-to-regexp matchers for middleware functions

This package uses path-to-regexp package to match the middleware routes path and parse the route params in a same way as Next.js does in config's matcher prop.


To make it easier to understand, you can check the below examples:

Simple route

Matches /dashboard route and returns no params.


Grouped routes

Matches /v1 and /v2 prefixed routes.



General structure of the params is :paramName where paramName is the name of the param that will be returned in the middleware function.


Matches /dashboard/anything route and returns team param with anything value.


You can also define segments in the middle of URL with is matching /team/anything/dashboard and returns team param with anything value.



Matches /dashboard and /dashboard/anything routes and returns team param with anything value if there is value provided in url.


Optional Wildcard

Zero or more params

Matches /dashboard and /dashboard/anything/test routes and returns team param with [anything, test] value if there is value provided in url.


Required Wildcard

One or more params

Matches /dashboard and /dashboard/anything/test routes and returns team param with [anything, test] value if there is value provided in url.


Debugging tool

Path to Regexp debugger

Test your matchers and params parsing

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